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Our history

Historical Summary of the Church Tabernacle Church Beginnings


Christian Tabernacle's ministry began in the homes of a few faithful members who were willing to follow the leadership of our great Founder and beloved Pastor, the late Pastor Maceo L. Woods; (who was called to the ministry in 1959).  On being led by the Spirit of God within a few months (December 1960) we moved into our present location (4712 S. Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Illinois). Due to our humble beginnings, Pastor Woods coined the phrase “the growing church with the family spirit;” along with our church motto:  “God can do anything but fail!”  Since that time, many lives have been transformed into the image and likeness of Christ, countless needs have been met, and the community has been blessed as a result of the ministry at Christian Tabernacle Church.

We are an independent, free-spirit ministry with a hyphenated Baptist label, focusing more on a relationship with God through the person of Jesus Christ rather than a denominational title. We do, however, associate and or fellowship with an array of denominations whose doctrines are not always precisely that of ours. On a scale of one to ten, however, we all agree on at least nine of the ten; with the main issues of having clarity and unity regarding the inerrancy of the scripture as the authoritative word of God, and the deity of Christ. Some of the associations and fellowships that we have have been in existence since the inception of our ministry (60 years and going), due to the richness of the unity of the spirit amongst like-minded believers regardless of our differences.

Christian Tabernacle Church

Elder DeAndre Patterson, Pastor
Evangelist Patricia Patterson, First Lady

Pastor Maceo L. Woods, Founder


4712 S . Prairie Ave

Chicago, IL. 60615

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©2022 - 2024  Christian Tabernacle Church     |     Most Photographies were taken by W. Andre' Buchanan 
  Website Designed with ♥ by S. Te'Resa Thomas, Blissful Art & Design LLC.

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