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Our Ministries

Christian Education 


Moving Forward 


Deaconess and Mother's Board 


Ushers Board 


Nurses Board 


New Member Group 


Youth Fellowship 


Youth Leaders 


Deacons and Brotherhood


Special Agents & Cadets 




Youth Fellowship

The mission of  the Christian Tabernacle Youth Fellowship is to help young people discover the meaning of their faith, to grow in a deeper and closer relationship with Jesus Christ, to develop a lifestyle of Godly habits, to grow together in enthusiasm for the faith, and to demonstrate Christlike character.


Moving Forward

In 1982, a group of teenagers got together along with our own Mother Lue B. Tuggle and Sister Princess Harris , to try and bring the Christian Tabernacle teenagers and children together, The name "Moving Forward Group " was chosen because our goal was to move forward for the Lord. With the approval of Pastor Woods, this group came together for many reasons: one which was to be able to talk about problems that teenagers have and try good for other devoted church workers.

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Christian Tabernacle Church

Elder DeAndre Patterson, Pastor
Evangelist Patricia Patterson, First Lady

Pastor Maceo L. Woods, Founder


4712 S . Prairie Ave

Chicago, IL. 60615

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©2022 - 2024  Christian Tabernacle Church     |     Most Photographies were taken by W. Andre' Buchanan 
  Website Designed with ♥ by S. Te'Resa Thomas, Blissful Art & Design LLC.

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